“This dress I got at a Goodwill outlet. It was in a bin and I kept pulling and pulling and it took like a full 30 seconds to come out. It’s huge. 6xL. Something feels right about being in this soft jersey dress cuz most women’s clothes won’t fit on me when I get them from the thrift store.”
- Zachary Hutchinson
- Zachary Hutchinson

“My name is Kaina and I’m a first generation Latina born and raised in Chicago - writing songs, performing and connecting with community. The outfit I decided to wear is sentimental because it was my mom’s two piece from when she was in her early 20’s. She arrived from Venezuela to Chicago alone, not knowing the language or anyone but who she came to work for. She was so young and had to figure so much out and she did. It reminds me of the feelings I get trying to sort out my life as I grow and knowing I too will figure out moments that are new or difficult.”
- Kaina Castillo
- Kaina Castillo

“My name is Pidgeon and I'm an intersex person and activist who is also non-binary. Everyone thinks they have the right to gender me into a binary box, but I don't identify as a man or woman, so I make merch for those of us who are "too cute to be binary." So many of us are so much more than the the two basic choices forced on us from from birth. The phrase on my tee means you don't get to define me, I do.”
- Pidgeon Pagonis
- Pidgeon Pagonis

“I'm Masood Haque, a comedian and actor based in Chicago. I chose to wear a kurta my mother gave me for Eid a few years back and my Timbs, both of which match my ring. My grandmother gave me the ring when I was 16 and it's the something I almost never take off. I wanted to showcase items that are representative of who I am. An immigrant who came to the states when he was a year and a half, who's connection to the identity society first sees when they look at him is something he's learned secondhand. Also kurtas make my shoulders look great.”
- Masood Haque
- Masood Haque

“My name is Nancy Sánchez Tamayo and I’m an artist and funeral esthetician. I wear the color black to represent a black tourmaline, hoop earrings to remind me of my hood, and my dad’s embroidered black belt held together by a silver and gold bull buckle to keep me grounded between worlds.”
- Nancy Sánchez Tamayo
- Nancy Sánchez Tamayo

“When I was in the second grade my mom took me to see *NSYNC. It was my first concert and I remember buying this shirt walking out. It was practically a dress on me then and now it’s an awesome shirt with a story. The Nike’s came from a day in the 6th grade when my mom let me skip school. We ended up going to Santee Alley and somewhere along the way I picked these up. Kind of crazy how my feet still fit in them 10+ years later"
- Spencer Berry-Jenkins
- Spencer Berry-Jenkins

“My name is Gabriela Ibarra and I’m first-generation Chicana, born and raised on the southside of Chicago. I wore one of my favorite, traditional bordado shirts, but my more meaningful items were the jewelry I chose to accessorize with. The hoop earrings belonged to my maternal abuelita and were found in her home after she passed, and some of my rings were gifted to me by my mother. I definitely put thought into how I dress, but the jewelry I wear completes an outfit for me, so I’ll often wear very special items when doing something important because I know I can count on their energy to guide me.”
- Gabriela Ibarra
- Gabriela Ibarra

“The Idaho hoodie was my nanas. It’s the only piece of clothing of hers that I own. I used to wear it while I cooked for her, paint for her. I’ve never been to Idaho but every time I wear it I feel swaddled in her angelic force field.”
- Nate Barksdale
- Nate Barksdale